Want to search for specific details of Feroz Qadri, here’ we have provided the complete Feroz Qadri Biography. Every possible confirmed details about Feroz Qadri.
Complete Feroz Qadri Biography
He is a Pakistani model and actor known in Pakistan as Feroze Qadri. He was born in Karachi, Pakistan. He is Muslim and Is a patriot of Pakistan. He stays in the the city of import and export, Karachi, Pakistan with his family.
He has only one younger sister, Noor Zehra Qadri, and One elder brother, who is serving in Pakistan as a Doctor. Feroze is very close to his mother, not even Feroze, although we should be very close to our Mother and Father.
He graduated in Political Science from the Lahore School of Economics. He has an interest with zeal and zest in politics, sports, and others.
Specifications of Feroze Qadri
Name of Feroze Qadri (In English)
Feroze Qadri’s name in English is “Feroz Qadri“
Feroze Qadri Name (In Urdu)
Feroz Qadri’s name in Urdu is “فیروز قادری“
Feroze Qadri Nickname
His alternate name is “Feroze“
Feroze Qadri Martial Status
Feroz Qadri is Single.
Feroze Qadri Zodiac Sign
Feroz Qadri Zodiac sign is “Taurus“
Feroze Qadri Religion
Feroze religion is “Islam“. He belongs to Muslim Culture and lives in Pakistan.
Feroze Qadri Birth Date/Birthday
Feroz Qadri was born in Karachi on May 10, 1985. So his birthday is on May 10.
Feroze Qadri Age
According to his birth date, in 2024, he is 36 years old. He officially didn’t tell anywhere about his real age.
Feroze Qadri Home Town
Feroze Qadri lives in his hometown that is in “Karachi“
Feroze Qadri Networth
The net worth of Feroze is about 300 Million PKR till now.
Feroze Qadri Education
Feroze Qadri is an educated Pakistani person who graduated in Political Science from the most famous school, Lahore School of Economics. He has a keen interest in Politics and Sports also.
Feroze Qadri Height
Feroze Qadri’s height is about 5ft 11inch (1.8m).
Feroze Qadri Weight
He is a healthy man weighing about 75kg.
Feroze Qadri Eye Color
Feroze Qadri’s eye color is Brown.
Feroze Qadri Hair Color
Feroze Qadri has shiny hair with a Black color.
Feroze Qadri Skin Tone
Feroze Qadri’s skin tone or color is Fair.
Feroze Qadri’s Favorite Foods
Favorite foods of Feroze are:
- Lasania
- Chicken Karhai
Feroze Qadri Favorite Colos
Black and White are Feroze Qadri’s Favorite colors.
Feroze Qadri Wife
Feroze Qadri is unmarried still, so he doesn’t have a wife. So his marital status is unmarried.
Feroze Qadri Drama List
Feroze Qadri’s known credits for working in dramas are:
- Chand Ki Pariyan [2019]
- Wafa Kar Chalay [2019]
- Bhool Jaa Ay Dil [2020]
- Khel [2023]
- Gumn [2023]